Take Some Time for Tea




Do you find yourself often sitting at night, having a sugar craving, and struggling to maintain the willpower not to get up and get that sugary treat?  Or how about when you are watching TV and all those commercials come on with the sugary desserts?  Sound familiar?

The same thing happens to me, however I’ve learned to prepare in advance for it.  First of all, I make sure I have a good dinner with protein before 7 or 8pm.  Then before I sit down at night to relax or watch TV, I make myself a cup of decaf tea.  Could be plain or flavored, just as long as it’s decaf as to not interrupt your sleep schedule.  When I am sipping the tea, I’m not thinking about or having any sugar cravings.  It’s something for me to look forward to, at the end of my day.

I also drink tea in the afternoon, when I feel that urge to have sugar, or when I feel a dip in my energy level.  Taking time to have tea, and taking time for me is important, and helps me to fight those cravings that occur a lot in the afternoon.  Sometimes as I am having my tea, I’m writing my thoughts in my journal, and it feels good to have that time that I take for myself.  I also like going to the store, to pick out my special tea that I will have later.  It’s my special treat!

So the next time you are ready to sit down in the afternoon or at the end of your day. take some time for tea!  You will find it becomes an enjoyable time of refreshing.  Or if you are a coffee drinker, make it decaf coffee and enjoy.