How to make it through the holidays!

What’s your plan for surviving the holiday season? Now is the time to have a strategy for dealing with all the food and drink!
Avoiding overeating during the holidays can be a challenge, but with some mindful strategies, you can enjoy the festivities without going overboard. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:
Plan Ahead:
Before attending holiday gatherings, have a healthy and balanced snack to curb your appetite, so you’re less likely to overindulge when you arrive.
Decide in advance how much you’ll eat and drink, and stick to your plan.
Control Portion Sizes:
Use smaller plates and utensils to help control portion sizes. Start with smaller servings, and if you’re still hungry, you can go back for more.
When filling your plate, aim to cover half with vegetables and salads, and the rest with other dishes.
Mindful Eating:
Pay attention to what you’re eating. Savor each bite, and eat slowly. This allows your body to recognize when you’re full.
Put your fork down between bites and engage in conversation. This can help you eat more mindfully.
Stay Hydrated:
Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger.
Consider having a glass of water before the meal to help control your appetite.
Limit Alcohol Consumption:
Alcohol can lower inhibitions and lead to overeating. Limit your alcohol intake, and choose lighter options or water between alcoholic drinks.
If you choose to have alcohol, do so in moderation and be aware of its effects on your appetite.
Be Selective:
Choose your favorite holiday treats and dishes rather than loading up on everything available. Focus on what you truly enjoy.
Avoid piling your plate with high-calorie items you can have any time of the year.
Fill Up on Fiber and Protein:
Include fiber-rich foods like vegetables and whole grains, as well as protein sources like lean meats and legumes in your holiday meals. These can help you feel fuller for longer.
Avoid Grazing:
Try to avoid continuous nibbling throughout the day. Stick to designated meal and snack times.
Once you’ve eaten, move away from the food table to reduce the temptation to keep eating.
Practice Self-Control:
Remember that it’s okay to say “no” politely when offered more food. You’re not obligated to eat something just to be polite.
If you’re tempted by leftovers, consider packing them up and putting them away to enjoy later when you’re hungry.
Stay Active:
Continue with your regular exercise routine during the holiday season. Physical activity can help burn off excess calories and boost your mood.
Suggest active holiday traditions like a family walk or playing outdoor games.
Manage Stress:
High-stress levels can lead to overeating. Practice stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to stay relaxed during the holidays.
Seek Support:
Share your goals with a friend or family member who can help keep you accountable and provide encouragement.
Remember that the holidays are a time to celebrate and enjoy food with loved ones, so it’s okay to indulge a little. The key is to strike a balance between enjoying the festive foods and maintaining a healthy approach to eating.
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