Day 15

Day 15 I am so thankful to be home and have my training studio to work out in!  I did some band exercises then did a great Bootcamp workout.  Feels great!  Went food shopping and feel like my eating is also on track.  It’s so hard to maintain while traveling,...

Day 14

Day 14 Another travel day so I walked 2 miles this morning.  I am looking forward to getting back on schedule tomorrow.  I’m so sick of plane...

Day 13

Day 13 I finally ran 2 miles pain free!! woohoooo!  Then I did some pushups, dips and planks.  Felt so good.  I really feel my best when I stay on track.  Having a plan, and then executing the plan really is a sense of accomplishment.  I treated myself to a steak and...

Day 12

Day 12 What a beautiful day in England!  And warm!  Perfect day for a run.  I started off, however due to the plane flights and other events that caused me to sit for long periods of time, my glute pull has become problematic.  So I ended up run/walking it for 1.5...

Day 11

Day 11 Well my body is still recovering from the time difference and crazy sleep schedule…can you say jet lag?  So I woke up early today and am considering taking a quick walk, but not sure my schedule today will allow it.  I definitely plan on walking...