Day 191

Tuesday lineup Good old toning/ step day!  Started off with some toning, then finished up with the mighty step class!   Been eliminating the sugar big time and loving it.  Of course Thanksgiving is this week, and I will try some pie, but I don’t enjoy sugar and...

Day 190

Jumpstart the week Weight training this morning, then a really tough bootcamp in the evening.  Gonna be SORE!!  Here is a fun video for you to try!...

Day 189

Ah rest Yes it’s rest day again!  I love taking this day to catch up on my personal fun things:  reading,, watching the Eagles play football, thinking about and planning my week. It’s so important to take time for yourself and think and strategize your...

Day 188

Personal training Today I had 2 different personal training sessions, and I ended up working out with each client.  We did a lot of resistance training, and I predict I might be a little sore!  Used bands and bodyweight, always a great combination. Feel like you need...

Day 187

Tennis Again! Got to sub again in a tennis match.  Lost but got good exercise anyway! Started off my day with my protein shake.  Love my shakes, and as always it starts my day off on a good footing.  Protein first thing, helps to control any sugar cravings and keeps...