Take time to journal
Emotions are very intertwined when it comes to our eating. In fact, often unresolved feelings are at the root of why and what we eat. Emotional eating causes us to eat for reasons other than hunger. Got anger? Eat to relieve the feelings. Sadness? Depression? Lonliness? Again eat to feel better inside. But it never works long term right? Instead, we end up feeling worse.
I’ve mentioned before that I eat when I am angry. The other day, I got a flash of anger over something, and my first thought went to eating candy. Yep. In fact I even voiced that out loud, saying” I WANT CANDY! I AM SO MAD AND I WANT SUGAR”. At least I was able to be aware of what was happening. You want to know what the next thing was that I did? I went and got my food journal to write down my feelings and what happened. Yes, food journals aren’t just for keeping track of your food intake, although that is very helpful. Food journals are also handy for marking what triggered a craving, and how you handled it. The minute I wrote down my personal episode with anger, and cravings, they completely went away! Instead of feeling the anger, and seeking to rectify my emotions with sugar, I instead brought all those emotions to the surface, dealt with them, and then got rid of them. By facing the emotions, they weren’t allowed to build up inside and cause more damage and bad food choices down the road.
So the next time you are facing some unpleasant emotions such as sadness, stress, etc., I encourage you to write those feelings down! Get them out, and you will see those cravings disappear. In the long term, you will be setting up a more healthy frame of mind with which to tackle the No Sugar or any other eating plan you are trying to implement.
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