Our lives can be so hectic right?  One minute we are racing to do one thing, and in the next breath we are stressing over what we have to do next.  All this stress causes our cortisol levels to rise and give way to that good ol’ “fight or flight” reaction.  This is not good for our No Sugar challenge!

Or maybe you are exercising strenuously in the hopes to make that change you are looking for.  You are doing diligent, tough workouts everyday, thinking “more is better”.  We humans are crazy aren’t we?  Our bodies are finely tuned machines, and we need rest sometimes!  

When was the last time you took time to take a deep breath?  Many times we are such shallow breathers without even realizing it.  Right now, close your eyes, take a deep inhale, hold it for a moment, the slowly let it out.  Do that again.  Doesn’t that feel WONDERFUL?  Your body needs the rest times just as much as the active times.  And you need to STRETCH.  

Here is a Pilates Stretch workout.  Try it, and I think you will LOVE the way you feel afterwards.  Remember, it’s not just about working as hard as you can all the time.  It’s also about the time you take for you, for you body and your soul.  Be nice to yourself.  Your body will thank you!

Looking for more relaxing stretch videos?  check out my membership:

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