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It’s very easy to be caught up in the negativity of the world these days.  It’s everywhere you look: social media, news, conversations, etc.  Pretty soon it invades your mind, and affects your emotions.  When you are trying to make changes in your eating, exercise, etc., negativity can lead to feelings of defeat and make you feel like giving up.

I suggest an alternative.  In your journal, or on a piece of paper, start writing down things you feel thankful for, things that are really blessings in your life.  When you adopt a mindset of gratitude, and being grateful for things, it will soon overtake the negative thoughts.  Pretty soon, you will be more aware of the blessings in your life, and that will help to lift your spirits and motivate you to continue your journey.  The picture shows something I am grateful for daily:  my own home fitness studio and my ability to work out in freedom and have an online membership.  My independence!

Don’t feel you have anything to be grateful for?  What about the choice you have to make decisions about your health?  Food, water, a hot shower! There are so many things that we take for granted.  Start thinking outside of your negative thoughts and you will start to realize what blessings you have.  Be grateful!  Don’t take your life for granted.  Change that mindset today, and be prepared to see your blessings.