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Many people, especially women, don’t understand the importance of building lean muscle tissue.  They are afraid to pick up weights, for fear they will “bulk up”, or become “too muscley” (is that a word lol?) The fact is, without lean muscle tissue, your body’s ability to burn fat is severely compromised.

Now I understand there are women bodybuilders who have gotten huge muscles, but those women have had to work pretty hard to get to that point.  Strict eating, strict workouts, very heavy weights all contribute to that look.  For the average woman, picking up those lighter weights will not achieve that!  Instead, doing resistance training, will lead to a more toned look, and help you lose weight, while gaining a strength that you never knew you had.

How does this happen?  When you lift weights in a sensible, safe way, you build lean muscle tissue, which burns fat even at rest.  This means that while you are sitting on the couch, your muscle tissue is burning fat.  How great is that? Burning fat leads to weight loss, with a proper diet.  Also, you get stronger overall, which helps when you go to lift that bag of groceries.  In addition, it leads to a more toned appearance and boosts your self confidence.  Who doesn’t need a shot of self esteem?  It’s a great feeling to know you are stronger, and getting toned.

The video is a great workout to do to build muscle.  If you are a beginner, start with light weights and do as much as you can.  In time, you will do more, and get stronger.  It only takes a few weeks to see a difference!

If you would like to see more videos, check out my online membership at

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