As a Personal Trainer for 30 years, I get asked a lot of questions about diet, weight loss and fitness.  One of the most frequent things I hear is “I hate exercise”.  Often this is a response to the question, how do I lose weight and get in shape.  I’ve come to the conclusion that this mindset keeps people from achieving their weight loss and fitness goals, and a simple change in mindset can make all the difference.

What do I mean by a change in mindset?  A change in mindset is thinking differently than you did before.  A simple change in thinking can set you on a path to victory and success, rather than disappointment and discouragement.  By setting small, doable goals, you could be on your way to weight loss and feeling great!  Instead of thinking that you need to work out hard for an hour to see any results, how about taking a 15 minutes walk, or do a 15 minute video?  15 minutes is a short amount of time, but do that 2 or 3 times a week and you will soon see results!  Seeing results will then lead to motivation and achieving more goals.  

I have worked one on one with many people and have helped them achieve their goals.  I developed my online membership to continue that help.  Check out my membership using the link below:


Watch the video below to find out how I changed my mindset and my life and how you can too!