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Water is so crucial to our overall wellbeing.  And when you are trying to avoid added refined sugar to your eating, it is EVERYTHING!  

We’ve all heard that you should be drinking a lot of water throughout the day, but how much do we need?  And how can it help us battle our sugar cravings?

We need to drink 1/2 our bodyweight in ounces everyday.  In the photo, you see my water bottle, and that is a 72 ounce water bottle.  It’s helpful to have a water bottle so that you can measure exactly how much water you are taking in each day.  That way you  know if you have gotten enough water for the day.

In my experience, water is super helpful to combat the sugar cravings.  Alot of times, we feel hunger but it’s actually our bodies telling us we need water.  Dehydration occurs from not having enough water, and our body reacts by telling us we are hungry.  Headaches and tiredness can also be a sign of dehydration.  One of my best go to strategies for battling sugar cravings is to drink some water when I feel a craving.  More often than not, after I drink the water my craving has gone away!  Try it!  Get a water bottle and see for yourself how much it helps your cravings and your overall well being.