Wedding week Compilation

So Basically this week was my daughter’s wedding, and I managed to get in my exercise, but unable to blog.  Therefore, I am compiling all my days from Thursday to Sunday as it will be easier.  Tomorrow will be back to normal.

Thursday morning I did a 1.5 mile run.  Friday I did weight training.  Saturday morning I had a houseful of company, so no workout.  I’m happy to say alcohol was a bare minimum, and my eating was great until yesterday when I waded into some sweets.  However, I am already sick of the sugar so it will be easy now to get back on track tomorrow.  I plan to go back to my morning protein shakes (I did have one on Friday morning) and that will get me back on my eating schedule.  Today I plan on practicing some handstands and doing some core work.

I love that I have the necessary tools to get back on track when life events get me a bit off course.  It’s wonderful having the confidence to know that I will be able to rebound from a little bad eating.